It’s been 4 1/2 months since my last post. Crazy how time flies when you’re… having fun? Haha!
I’ve been doing quite a bit. My first semester at Western Governors University is over, and with my current plan I’ll have my B.S. in IT Security in 11 more months. Not too shabby.
Today’s topic is on leadership and building a business. I’ve never been the best salesperson, but today I learned quite a bit about word of mouth and the importance of networking. I run Marsland Consulting & Design, LLC, an IT consulting and Web Design company that I plan on really building when I retire from the military.
I have some extra things I’d like to get soon for the business so I announced my search for a new client or two. After two reviews of my company posted (one by a previous client, one by a friend of mine), another friend of a friend pretty much signed a design deal with me. Extremely happy about that prospect and looking forward to closing a deal tomorrow.
In the small business community, what do you do to garner more business?